Programme d'espagnol des affaires

Tarifs et Formulaire d'inscription
L'hébergement et les visites sont proposés séparément.
Ce programme est recommandé aux participants ayant un niveau avancé d'espagnol à intermédiaire.
Goretty Muñoz
Hola mi nombre es Goretty Muñoz, estudio en New Mexico State University en Las Cruces, NM (USA). Estudio Finanzas y Negocios Internacionales y una sub-carrera en Seguros. Vine a la escuela de CPI Heredia a estudiar el programa de negocios. Mi mayor propósito fue aprender de cómo se manejan los negocios en Latinoamérica y aprender sobre la cultura de Costa Rica. Este programa es muy interesante porque me ayudó a aprender en mi vocabulario de negocios, aprendí cómo se hacen los negocios a nivel nacional e internacional en Costa Rica. Estoy muy contenta porque pude aprender acerca de las costumbres costarricenses y también de los negocios de Latinoamérica.
Brenda Rios
Hello, my name is Brenda Rios and I am finishing my master’s degree in business at the University of New Mexico. I decided to take the business program at CPI to increase my knowledge of business and also learn how to do business in Latin America. This program was very good because I learned a lot of vocabulary about business. Also, I learned a little about the culture, history, and politics of Costa Rica. The best part was the visits and interviews at companies in the area around San José, because they helped me reach my goals even more.
Kyle Helbing
The business program was a great opportunity to focus my learning on skills specific to conducting business in Spanish. My professor and I visited the Banco Central de Costa Rica (the Costa Rican version of the Federal Reserve), Emerson, a financial literacy fair, and the offices of Canatur, a private tourism industry trade group. In all visits we spoke with one or more representatives of the organizations and these experiences allowed me to practice Spanish in a business setting while also learning about the current business climate in Costa Rica.