* Required item |
I wish to apply for the "Retirement Travel":* |
Select Your Session
Check the session you want to attend
Name:* |
Personal Information
Tell us about yourself
Only one person per application!
Gender:* |
Nationality: |
What is your native Language? |
Health Status/Allergies: |
Mailing Address:* |
Your Address
City:* |
State:* |
Country: |
Zip Code: |
Phone:* |
Cell Phone Number:* |
E-Mail:* |
Emergency contact: |
Emergency Contact
Please include the full contact information
Have you studied at a language school before? (If so, where?): |
Educational Information
Describe your ability to understand and speak Spanish: |
You have any special host family requests: |
Accommodation Information
Arrival date: |
Arrival Information
Arrival time: |
Airline: |
Flight number: |
*Departure city: |
*Please tell us your connecting flight details INTO San José.
Remember you must arrive on a Sunday and you have to depart on the Sunday after the last day of classes.
Departure tax: Starting in 2015 some airlines have arranged with the Costa Rican government to include the exit tax in the cost of the plane ticket. We recommend you consult with your airline to determine if this is the current arrangement or whether you need to follow the traditional procedure and purchase the exit tax on departure day.
How did you hear about CPI? |
* Required item |
Before submitting your application please check that you have filled it in correctly. |
Enter the code shown above |
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Press this button to hear the recaptcha. |
Press this button to switch to text mode. |